Coach Olivia

Coaching Style

I was fortunate enough to be encouraged to play sports from a young age by my parents. This gave me the tenacity and self–confidence to complete University, and it was an excellent way to make friends. Seeing first-hand the impact being active can have, I believe it crucial that children can have access to sport from a young age, building the skills that can take them through life, and this is why I am so eager to coach.

My coaching style centres around positive reinforcement, ensuring each child feels confident in themselves to try new skills and activities, and ultimately get as much enjoyment out of the session as possible.

Above all, I strive to make sure each child leaves the session happy and content. This is done through fun and engaging activities. I also ensure to adapt sessions to each child’s differing needs, giving clear and simple instructions to avoid confusion.


✅ Committee member of the University of Manchester Cross Country Club

✅ Riding for the Disabled Volunteer

✅ Athletics and Cross Country Mentor | Austin Friars


⭐️ 2.1 in Law with International Studies | University of Manchester, studying at the University of Hong Kong for 1 year

⭐️ Working towards my TEFL qualification