
Coaching Style

"I believe that fun is the most important element to sport at an early age and for future participation in sport. At a young age, I almost hated any kind of physical activity, but because my Taekwondo teacher made every single lesson fun and engaging, I always looked forward to the next Taekwondo session. Therefore, I always ensure the kids I coach are having as much fun through play.

When physical activity is fun at a young age, children will be more likely to carry on or pick up a sport when they grow older. In my sessions, I will always make sure children are having fun, but also learning the necessary transferable skills they’ll need to participate in sport in their future."


✅ English Tutor | A+bebe

✅ Taekwondo Assistant Teacher | South Island School

✅ Trainer at F45


⭐️ BSc Hons Degree in Sport and Exercise Science (Physical Activity for Health) | University of Chichester (UK)

⭐️ Level 3 Pearson BTEC Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness) (QCF) | South Island School (HK)

⭐️ International Certified Personal Trainer | National Academy of Sports Medicine (HK)

⭐️ Adult & Child CPR & AED | Emergency Care and Safety Institute (HK)




Parent - Sep 2, 2024

"Coach Matthew is charismatic and inspiring. He takes care of every kid in the class, including my little one."