Toddler Jet Lag & Flying Tips

Travelling with toddlers on airplanes and dealing with their jet lag can be challenging, but with some preparation and planning, it can be a much smoother experience. We have put together some pointers that we hope will serve you as you jet set around the world this summer.

As many of you set off on your summer holidays with excitement, there is always the nagging little issue of the flight with children, let alone the jet lag…

Travelling with toddlers on airplanes and dealing with their jet lag can be challenging, but with some preparation and planning, it can be a much smoother experience. We have put together some pointers that we hope will serve you as you jet set around the world this summer.

For Flying…

1. Plan ahead: Book your seats early and consider requesting bulkhead seating, which often has more legroom and space for your toddler to play. Also, pack a few small toys, books, and snacks in your carry-on, and consider bringing a tablet or portable DVD player with headphones to keep your child entertained.

2. Dress comfortably: Dress your toddler in comfortable clothes and pack an extra set of clothes in case of spills or accidents. Also, consider bringing a light blanket or sweater in case the plane is cold.

3. Bring a stroller: Many airlines allow you to bring a stroller to the gate, which can be helpful for getting through the airport and keeping your child contained while waiting to board.

4. Plan for ear discomfort: Changes in air pressure during takeoff and landing can cause discomfort and pain in young children's ears. To help alleviate this, encourage your child to swallow by offering a bottle, sippy cup, or pacifier during takeoff and landing.

As for keeping toddlers fit while on holiday, here are some ideas:

Dealing with Toddler Jet Lag

Toddler jet lag can be challenging for both parents and toddlers. Here are some tips to help your toddler adjust to a new time zone and overcome jet lag:

1. Gradually adjust your toddler's sleep schedule before the trip. If you are traveling eastward, start putting your toddler to bed a little earlier each night for several days before the trip. If you are traveling westward, do the opposite and put your toddler to bed a little later each night.

2. Try to keep your toddler on a regular sleep schedule while traveling. Stick to your regular bedtime routine and try to create a sleep-conducive environment in your new location.

3. Get plenty of sunlight during the day. Exposure to natural light can help reset your toddler's circadian rhythms, which can help reduce jet lag symptoms.

4. Keep your toddler well-hydrated and well-fed. Dehydration and hunger can exacerbate jet lag symptoms, so make sure to keep your toddler hydrated and well-fed throughout the day.

5. Be patient and flexible. It may take a few days for your toddler to adjust to the new time zone, so be patient and flexible with their sleep schedule. Try to keep your toddler calm and relaxed, which can help them sleep better.

Remember that every child is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to dealing with toddler jet lag. However, these tips can help you create a more comfortable and sleep-friendly environment for your toddler and help them adjust to a new time zone more quickly.

Enjoy your travels this summer and we will see you in August!

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